Monday 15 December 2014

Future plans

My stuff
Build up a Russian WW1 corps (including a cavalry division)
Base up Napoleonic Russians.
Look at developing POW renascence army
Operation nostalgia, develop cliff faces for my Kallistra terrain to be able to form islands
Put on a couple of WW2 spearhead scenarios
Pray that the new Victory at sea rules come out
Place order from ‘legions 4 hire’ by Easter
My Month
War of the roses, rules Poleaxe 2, we will do 2/3 smaller battles to get our self started
and then a visit to Bosworth battle field followed by playing the battle of Bosworth.
Joy of Six
We need to decide what battle we are doing for the joy of six, decision by Easter latest,
We need to decide if we want more time looking at other games/stands and less time gaming or if we can get 4 people playing
we can have 2 on 2 off.
The battle should look visually excellent, but the game could be simple.
Do we go for a Historical battle or a made up scenario.
Simple battles could be Spearhead WW2 , WW1, ACW
Like to go to
Joy of six
Bosworth battlefield
Waterloo Bicentennial (in Belgium)
Local shows
I want to finish my Italian Wars French army.
I will then finish the troops for Fontenoy.
I would like to do the battle of Rowton Moor and include a tour of the
around Chester, as I did with the battle of Montgomery.
I have a couple of Turks v Russians battles (18th Century PoW)
I want to get Nostalgia underway.
I would be up for doing Battle Axe as either a Thursday night campaign or
at a
weekend event at the club.

I would offer Plassey as a game to put on at Joy of Six.

I am up for all your visits but does anyone want to plan what shows we will
attend this year; Salute maybe?
Projects existing and new
Finish British WW1 Corps and Cavalry Division
Order ships for Victory at sea Dreadnoughts
Work towards completing Persian and Greek forces for my Ancients campaign quarter 3/4
Would buy into Napoleonic army with Jon for Rank and File rules dependant on interest
My Months
Victory at Sea WW1 Month - starting with some small scenarios but building to some larger actions later in the Month - April 2015
Greco / Persian Campaign - either DBA or Sword and Spear - will be looking late in the Year for this Sept / Oct 2015
Too early for me to start thinking about this seriously but I agree that whatever we decide on has to look good but will not kill us in preparing it.
Candidates I can think about........
WW1 Spearhead
WW2 Spearhead
18th Century
Victory at Sea WW1

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