Phil's jetty which looks better close up but I wanted to show the overall effect. This is the coastal version. |
Well I've finished tarting up the TSS terrain and I am rather pleased with myself. Big terrain projects are not really my bag as I concentrate too much on the detail and I take too long. But this time I put all my pernickity effort into the initial samples and then once I accepted a particular technique I was away. Once JoS is out of the way I will definitely be buying more TSS to create more coastal and river sections as it's now quite straight forward.
This was the TSS terrain straight out of the box as pictured in a previous post. |
The whole point is to create a better looking generic coastal/ river terrain to give as many options as possible for future games; WW2 amphibious battles, SYW naval operations, major river crossings and the banks of great lakes and lochs are some of the battles that need this terrain. By adding the reed beds I hope to maintain the generic use of the boards, although I will be making some specific beach sections and harbour pieces.
Reed beds are added to, hopefully, make the terrain look like a river bank! |
So, by finishing the terrain and the ship model I have completed the largest parts of the project. I still need to make the ox propelled Indian artillery, the mango grove, paint more tents and baggage and add some more units but I feel I am now peddling down hill to JoS. I am relying on everyone for the jungle and Phil is kindly making another jetty for use by the Nawabs army further upstream.
Originally I had said about putting on a practice game in early June but I didn't have enough items finished to give you all a sense of what the game would look like and I do want your constructive criticism. Therefore I was going to see whether we could use a Thursday at the end of this month to come over to mine and review the game. Please could you let me know which Thursday you could all make?