So time to slip on my blue jacket and don my kepi as we head to the western theatre in the American civil war.
Russ took on the rebs defending a rail station with what turned out to be 7 brigades and plenty of artillery batteries.
My Corps of 4 brigades came down the wooded lanes whilst Ian's Corps was supposed to flank the rebs by coming down the rail line.
1st corps coming in from the right, I know where the rebs are but not their strength
2nd division on the road waiting to deploy
Reb cavalry tried to slow the union deployment but were caught and destroyed
Rebs redeploying to their left as the union 2nd division swings that way
2 union batteries on the dirt road made units in the open uncomfortable
Union cavalry tried to flank the rebs left and got caught in a pocket between 2 reb brigades
Rebs started to apply more pressure and 2 union brigades were spent.
with no sign of the union 2nd corps, the boys in blue stated to pull back to a more defendable position.
Cheers Jon, nice game