Thursday nights ACW will be a historical scenario.
The early skirmishes and battles of the war had proved that the result would be costly. The newly formed army of the Potomac under the the Young Napoleon ,General McLellan had been transported by sea and landed in strength on the Peninsular south of the rebel capital Richmond. The plan to outflank the rebel positions on the Raphanock river, capture Richmond and end the war. It was a bold move and initially caught the rebels off guard. As the Union forces under McLellan pushed north along the Peninsular the Confederate forces under General Johnston gave ground buying time to organise and reinforce ,whilst spreading false rumours about their strength ,and occasionally turning and giving pause to the Union advance. One such point was the ring of hastily built artillery redoubts on the ridge on which also sat a large fort. These redoubts would have to be stormed or the advance on Richmond would be doomed. Johnston sent General Longstreet to organise the confederate defence with orders to make the Federals pay in blood for each gun that they silenced.
Volunteers for Union attackers and rebel defenders please
Wednesday, 29 March 2017
Monday, 27 March 2017
Operational Game - Umpire's battle report.
There are a few things we still need to develop and establish to make the operational games flow more effectively (like the C in C role and order changes), and one of these is an after action report. Jon has recently tidied up the blog and commented that there is a lack of AAR's which is a pity, as the blog is a very effective memory jogger (and trip down memory lane) for some of our best games.
In future, I will ask all participants to blog or send me (or whoever is the umpire) their particular point of view of the action. I will then use this as a basis for a write up coupled with any pictures that have been taken. Hopefully, this shouldn't be a big job for every one to contribute (or ensure their glorious moments are commemorated!).
So, based on my memory, notes and Russ and Phil's contribution this is how I think our last game played.
German initial plans and dispositions.
The Germans fielded a full panzer division plus a panzer regiment and recon battalion from a second division. Mark was the weaker thrust and was expected to occupy 1A and 1B whilst actively using what little recon he had to search out any Russian forces on 2A and 2B. He was to use artillery to pound any spotted Soviet units and generally look aggressive on these tables pinning any Russian units that could be moved to delay the main German attack along C and D tables.
Jon was given the larger force to drive down A and B and see whether by the end of the day he could take 3B. The Germans expected big problems with the Soviet armoured train in this sector and Jon was under no illusions that the town in 1C could become a dangerous obstacle to any advance. More artillery was assigned to this sector with the expectation that FOOs would spot and drive off this threat. In addition, a recon battalion was kept as a fighting battalion in the hope that a flank attack could be opened from 3C onto 2C and then onto the airfield on 3A. This would give the possibility of unlocking Mark's forces for a major push across the river.
With the recon now a major part of the German plan to unlock the Soviet defences a further addition was made to the order of battle with an extra paratroop battalion. This was scheduled to land on the airfield at 3.00pm when it was expected that Russian forces would be stretched and reserves committed enabling a German surprise attack to seal a Soviet collapse. The recon battalion sent by Jon would give Marks paras some support, cut off any Russian defences along the river line and win the game by 5.00pm.
A Karl Mortar was the only off table artillery employed by the Germans and only one of its three shots was pre-planned to hit the airfield on go one.
Russian initial plans and dispositions.
The Soviet forces are very cheap compared to the German points values and with 1200 points to play with the Russians deployed a weak infantry division of two infantry regiments but with most of their supporting elements. A workers militia battalion defended the bridge and a collective farm militia unit defended the town on 1C. The airfield was defended by a fanatic NKVD unit and an independent armoured brigade and a cavalry regiment constituted the only mobile units deployed by the Russians. In addition, the armoured train with armoured recon was the lynch pin of the defence on 1C, 2C and 3B. All deployed Soviet forces could begin the game dug in.
Frank was determined to hold his mobile units in reserve for a possible counter stroke during the game. The remaining forces were fairly evenly split between Phil and Russ with Russ getting the majority of field defences for use on the open 2D table. The greatest fear for the Russians was the potential loss of the train to air attack which they believed would lead to the speedy collapse of their defences across the C and D tables. Therefore they put most of their AA defences into 3B with instructions that Russ always moved the train onto 3B during air attacks.
The battle.
The game commenced with the Russian players hidden and determined to see where the main German attack would develop and the Germans cautiously advancing and trying to determine where the main Russian defences were deployed. Mark quickly occupied 1A and 1B whilst Jon deployed wearily onto 1C fully expecting a stubborn Soviet defence of the town on 1D; he wasn't disappointed! Jon also occupied 1D with the intention of outflanking the towns defences. Jon would not advance further before the town was taken.
The Karl mortar effectively knocked out the airfield on go one but the Russians had foreseen an attack and had deployed an engineer battalion with the airfield to repair any damage. The turns were rapidly being played and the shell holes were fixed well before the half hour air attack. Frank made the most of this opportunity with a cheeky strike against the German off table airfields; the Germans were lucky to lose only one squadron. Ozy made note and made sure the opportunity never materialised again!
Meanwhile, I wondered how the Germans were to look aggressive on A and B without launching some kind of attack; so did Mark and with a total disregard for the original plan (which he had insisted on!) the Germans pushed onto 2A and 2B.
Phil had deployed a battalion on the German side of the river on 2B in order to make the most of the forested terrain. This could be used as a bridge head for any future counter attack but was initially meant to prevent the Germans from establishing a jumping off post for a bridge head of their own. Phil rolled veteran for these heroes, and dug in with abbatis they proved a tough position to take (I'm sure Mark and Phil remembered that this unit would be out of supply and therefore fires on a -1?).
The air attack on the first hour set the plan for most of the game. Frank launched a devastating medium bomber attack on Marks forces which routed a battalion whilst Ozy launched a strike against the airfield and left a recon flight overhead 3A to spot any up coming reserves which Frank may have sent Phil. Frank never risked using the on table airfield again. However, Frank's hourly air attacks were a serious worry for Mark and they effectively debilitated the German attack on 1A and 1B which after taking the first Soviet defences on 2B lacked any further strength to exploit further advances. A bridge was built but the engineers building a second crossing were annihilated in air attacks and Mark was forced to hold the ground he had won.
Meanwhile, Russ put up a dogged resistance on 1C and Jon was careful to organise properly coordinated attacks in which to overwhelm the Soviet defenders. Ozy and Jon worked well together in ensuring that orders and artillery were used to their maximum. By lunch time the Germans were pushing onto 2C and 2D. The armoured train had struggled to support 1C with its Katyushas as poor Russian communications hampered the defence. Ozy deployed the recon aircraft in advance of Jon's push onto 2D and an aggressive search of the table revealed the location and strength of Russ' forces. However, the dug in defenders had KVIIs in support and Jon's casualties mounted.
The train was far more effective on 2C firing over open sights. Again, Russ' defence of this table was stubborn. Unknown to the Russian players, Jon's attempt to push the recon battalion through 2D and onto 2C was defeated as this unit was impaled by an effective Soviet anti tank defence. The loss of the recon battalion doomed Mark to play a passive role on 2A and 2B and meant the paras would have to rely on their own resources to take and hold the airfield.
Through out the afternoon, Frank seriously contemplated what to do with his reserve. Russ was adamant that he was holding on but his losses were mounting. Phil was keen to launch a counter attack against Mark by building a bridge on 2A and launching the armour against Mark's weak flank and then cutting off Jon's line of supply. This is the big "what if" of the game. It would have meant denuding the airfield defences of the engineers in order to build the bridge and they had suffered some losses from Ozy's air attacks. Also, it would have meant a very elaborate order to ensure the tanks did not require any further order rolls - Frank only succeeded in changing one Russian order all day! Also, it would have relied on this single unsupported unit surviving several engagements before achieving its ultimate goal of taking 1D! And yet there was no German defence on 2A or 1A and Mark had only a single unit in reserve to hold his whole front. As I say, this is a big "what if".
However, Frank decided to await the 3.00pm air attack before launching the tanks on a more direct attack against 2B and across the bridge which Mark had obligingly built. He was relieved that he had waited as the German para drop took the Russians by complete surprise. The tanks chewed up the Paras who ran for a nearby wood in order to survive. The tanks took some casualties before resuming the advance towards the river. The para's launched another attack against the airfield but were surprised themselves by a second counter attack from Russian cavalry, Frank's last reserve. These routed the remaining paras, who never really stood a chance without the recon support. The Germans hadn't expected the Russians to still have reserves by this time in the game and it goes to prove two of Napaoleon's maxims - he who has the last reserves wins, and God favours the big battalions!
Jon's attack grinded on and Russ' losses mounted. Russ was determined to hold onto 2C and 2D to the bitter end and the Germans were desperate to secure the points on these tables in order to salvage a win before Mark's forces collapsed. As the game entered its last hour, only the train was denying the fall of 2C. Surrounded by anti tank detachments and walloped by the Karl Mortar, German infantry with satchel charges attacked through the woods to finally destroy it. At last, Jon's forces were free to advance against 3B but Russ still had a militia unit and a motorised infantry battalion dug in and waiting.
Meanwhile, Mark's forces were collapsing. Ozy had committed Mark's last reserve to counter the Soviet tank thrust but in the last minutes of the game, this had lost its last armour and nothing stood in the way of the Russian counter attack which denied the Germans from holding the points on 2C.
At this point the game was over - it seemed as if the Russians had secured a last minute draw. But a count of the points showed that 2C was not secured by either side and that the final tally was 9 - 8 in the Germans favour - technically a draw for the Germans but a marginal loss for the Russians! It couldn't have been closer and I am sure that both sides could play this again and get a very different result.
Friday, 24 March 2017
Operational Game : view from one side of the Russian table
First off, well done to all involved. Great fun and (as ever) a close result.
I think Frank and Ozzy did really well in directing the troops from the back tables and there were some ideas that will no doubt get repeated over the next few campaigns.
Its becoming like an evolving beast - as one idea is tried out, the other side develop a counter to it in the next game. So the airfield attack by the Russians is countered by a German CAP over the airfield sector. In the next game, will the attackers (and defenders) allocate CAP and AA to their airfields (but thereby denuding air protection at another part of the front?).
For example, we thought the train would be a major target for the Luftwaffe and so arranged (initially) for the train to roll to the back table each hour as we'd stuffed it full of what limited AA we had (including the Motorised Division's Quad AA). As it transpired, the airfield became the area of most intense activity and we could have used more AA there instead.
The plan on my side was to essentially hunker down and make the river tricky to cross. I put a unit in the wood with the abatis providing cover to prevent the usual German trick of running in from all sides - shooting for a bit then close combating the inevitable suppressed units. The additional bonus for being dug in in the woods meant that the Russians were holding the Germans up and it was the tanks in the end which made the difference. With hindsight, artillery in support on the other side of the river would have made a massive difference as the Germans were in the open trying to climb the abatis and would have presented a tempting target....
As it was I asked Frank to bring the air assets in on the German troops in the open and they were obliterated. Which was nice.
That pretty much did it for the left-hand table, with Mark employing the well known German manouvre of 'hide in the woods and pray for night'.
On my right hand table my troops were spread very thin as I'd forgotten that I had two battalions on each table (and so one was still in the box round the back). If they'd been in position when Mark arrived it would have been a much bloodier encounter. As it was the artillery nibbled away on both sides and the bicycle recon made life hard. Seeing his tank rush down the side I made the error of moving troops in the open and - Sod's Law - the 76's being towed were the only thing they could see and both got blatted. In the woods and with direct fire they would have made life hard for the German armour.
We debated building a bridge on the far side (away from the cowering Germans in the woods) and running some troops up and sneaking some points, If we had done so, then we would have secured at least a draw and a possible win - but the demand to keep the reserves behind paid off as the Falschirmjager first fell prey to Frank's commitment of the armour reserves, then the NKVD proved a tricky proposition - especially when the Mounted reserve showed up.
The tanks continued on their way towards the bridge the Germans had paid on for us. The problem was leading with the wrong tanks - we should have gone with the KV1 and T-34 followed by the T35's and T28's. The tough tanks would pin the AT and the rest would ping away at the troops in the woods (anti infantry 7 is going to hurt anyone) and potentially force a morale check. Still, once in range the German armour found out what being outgunned meant.and suffered accordingly.
Its all ifs and buts though. Frank was befuddled by how a load of blokes on bikes can hold up a platoon of tanks on a bridge for a start. In hindsight a conditional order to cross our own bridge further left then attack the enemy armout in the flank would have been the better option (but only if my own infantry could have been relied on to hold up the German armour until they got there.
The good thing about having CinC's was that I had little idea about what was happening with Russ (apart from the fact that the Katyushas' were not working). Or that he saved me from the rush by Jon's recon towards me.
Towards the end of the day, myself and Mark and Frank had a 3 way stalemate as things were being decided on Russ' side. The strength and numbers of German materiel was telling and it proved again hard for the defenders to do much to hold it back. But it was close and I think if we'd used things a little better (such as not letting the medium bomber get shot down) it could have been a whole different ball game.
I think Frank and Ozzy did really well in directing the troops from the back tables and there were some ideas that will no doubt get repeated over the next few campaigns.
Its becoming like an evolving beast - as one idea is tried out, the other side develop a counter to it in the next game. So the airfield attack by the Russians is countered by a German CAP over the airfield sector. In the next game, will the attackers (and defenders) allocate CAP and AA to their airfields (but thereby denuding air protection at another part of the front?).
For example, we thought the train would be a major target for the Luftwaffe and so arranged (initially) for the train to roll to the back table each hour as we'd stuffed it full of what limited AA we had (including the Motorised Division's Quad AA). As it transpired, the airfield became the area of most intense activity and we could have used more AA there instead.
The plan on my side was to essentially hunker down and make the river tricky to cross. I put a unit in the wood with the abatis providing cover to prevent the usual German trick of running in from all sides - shooting for a bit then close combating the inevitable suppressed units. The additional bonus for being dug in in the woods meant that the Russians were holding the Germans up and it was the tanks in the end which made the difference. With hindsight, artillery in support on the other side of the river would have made a massive difference as the Germans were in the open trying to climb the abatis and would have presented a tempting target....
As it was I asked Frank to bring the air assets in on the German troops in the open and they were obliterated. Which was nice.
That pretty much did it for the left-hand table, with Mark employing the well known German manouvre of 'hide in the woods and pray for night'.
On my right hand table my troops were spread very thin as I'd forgotten that I had two battalions on each table (and so one was still in the box round the back). If they'd been in position when Mark arrived it would have been a much bloodier encounter. As it was the artillery nibbled away on both sides and the bicycle recon made life hard. Seeing his tank rush down the side I made the error of moving troops in the open and - Sod's Law - the 76's being towed were the only thing they could see and both got blatted. In the woods and with direct fire they would have made life hard for the German armour.
We debated building a bridge on the far side (away from the cowering Germans in the woods) and running some troops up and sneaking some points, If we had done so, then we would have secured at least a draw and a possible win - but the demand to keep the reserves behind paid off as the Falschirmjager first fell prey to Frank's commitment of the armour reserves, then the NKVD proved a tricky proposition - especially when the Mounted reserve showed up.
The tanks continued on their way towards the bridge the Germans had paid on for us. The problem was leading with the wrong tanks - we should have gone with the KV1 and T-34 followed by the T35's and T28's. The tough tanks would pin the AT and the rest would ping away at the troops in the woods (anti infantry 7 is going to hurt anyone) and potentially force a morale check. Still, once in range the German armour found out what being outgunned meant.and suffered accordingly.
Its all ifs and buts though. Frank was befuddled by how a load of blokes on bikes can hold up a platoon of tanks on a bridge for a start. In hindsight a conditional order to cross our own bridge further left then attack the enemy armout in the flank would have been the better option (but only if my own infantry could have been relied on to hold up the German armour until they got there.
The good thing about having CinC's was that I had little idea about what was happening with Russ (apart from the fact that the Katyushas' were not working). Or that he saved me from the rush by Jon's recon towards me.
Towards the end of the day, myself and Mark and Frank had a 3 way stalemate as things were being decided on Russ' side. The strength and numbers of German materiel was telling and it proved again hard for the defenders to do much to hold it back. But it was close and I think if we'd used things a little better (such as not letting the medium bomber get shot down) it could have been a whole different ball game.
Sunday, 19 March 2017
Operational Game - Umpire's thoughts.
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Russian counter attack against the Paras. |
That was a great game, with fighting right across the tables, armoured trains, flank marching panzers, para drops, cavalry counter attacks, the lot! 52 turns played on one side and 42 on the other, we played six and half hours and got a 9 - 8 points result by 5pm. Both sides probably saw opportunities for playing it differently and it was in the balance for the whole game.
Whilst it is fresh I thought it would be a good idea to not my observations on the some of the new things we encountered in this particular game.
The C in C's
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Another text in from Ozy! |
Frank and Ozy did a superb job, freeing up the front line commanders to concentrate on the tactical play whilst they worried about the bigger picture. Both of them were worried about the right time to commit reserves making crucial decisions that changed the game. Ozy's commitment of Mark's last reserve probably saved the entire German right flank, whilst Frank's armoured counter attack saved the airfield and nearly won the game - an especially risky gamble relying on Russ doing just enough to hold 2C and 2D.
I think we need to tidy up our maps and system of changing orders; we are working on this with Russ' pictures. We could do with a major discussion on this as this requires no painting or major resources but would make the game run so much quicker. However, we played a record number of turns and I think we are already onto a winner with C in Cs, I'm looking forward to how this idea develops with our future games.
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Stukas looking for the train. |
The aircraft of both sides were very effective. Although Frank and Ozy have never played the game before, they brought a perspective that has improved the use of this asset. Initial control of the on table airfield allowed a Russian strike against the German off table airfields that nearly destroyed German air superiority - Ozy ensured the Russians never used this asset again. Frank carefully husbanded his resources throughout the game, and the Russian medium bomber was devastating despite its vulnerability. Ozy's use of the recon was a crucial part of Jon's drive onto 2D and was probably decisive in securing the two points on that table. The lurking recon on 3A was also a major influence in preventing Russian reinforcements for a proposed counter attack on 2A via a Russian engineered bridge!
Indirect artillery
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150's waiting to hit dug in Russians. |
The Karl Mortar made some impact on Jon's attack against the train but overall I think the German's missed an opportunity to better use this supporting arm. Battalion support from 150's was effective on individual attacks but a coordinated use of divisional 105's and 150's could have been devastating. The Russians don't really get an opportunity with their poor command and control but the Germans should give some thought about supporting their ground assaults against dug in and static Russian infantry. Use recon to find the Russians and then hit them with concentrated artillery rather than sending in the poor infantry on their own.
These are just my observations but I'm sure you have your own - share them and the game can only get better.
PS; Jon can you send a link to Frank for the blog so that he can add his comments. His email is
These are just my observations but I'm sure you have your own - share them and the game can only get better.
PS; Jon can you send a link to Frank for the blog so that he can add his comments. His email is
Modern Spearhead - Soviet Project

Today after a lot of thought I decided to go for it and order the Modern Spearhead rule book.
As I have a soft spot for Caliver books (not) I ordered the rules from the USA for £30
Yes a few quid more but that's that...............
Orders also placed with Magister Militum for a few packs of Soviet Infantry and heavy weapons and steel 30 x 30mm bases from precision wargame supplies.
I am going to give Scotia Grendel a go this time for my vehicles and other bits so it should be interesting to see what these look like in the flesh. On their website their tanks and command vehicles look very nice so a change of direction from H & R.
If I am desperate for anything I will no doubt have to order from Mr Captain Crap Kirk but we will cross that bridge as and when.
Went for GHQ infantry much the same as my WW2 British 3rd Division. I like the figures.
I'm not going to go full steam on this project but I think I should have enough stuff table ready by Summer.
Operational Game - Table Layout Photos
Photos of the tables for reference. I think 1A is going to change?
Sorry - missed 2C but Jon has already nearly finished this board now.
Sorry - missed 2C but Jon has already nearly finished this board now.
1941 Eastern Front Operational Game AAR
Another eagerly anticipated operation game, only this time it was the turn of the Russians to defend against the German hordes. Could the Russian's with there armoured train and heavily defended lines stand up to the assault?
With the introduction of C in C's on both sides the game took on a new twist. Frank was sport enough to run operations on our side with Phil and I defending against Mark and Jon. Ozy took command of the German attack.
For once I decided to play across on the other C & D tables, so it was a different game for me as the tables posed very different challenges to what I have been used to in previous operational games.
Opening Turns... Jon begins his attack on table 1C. It's all very canny and Jon's battalion stops in the woods near to the garrisoned town...
Russian local garrison dug in to the town awaits the attack....
Over on table 1 D Jon organises more German battalions....
It was now clear what Jon was up to. Ozy had been sending a lot order changes across and the German's flank marched a battalion over from 1D to 1C to basically outflank my garrisoned town.
I had moved the recon for the train up and tried to call in the rockets but despite getting the call I was off target every strike.
Over on the left side if 1C Jon advances another battalion down the table edge. Avoiding the railway was something he was keen to do for some reason.....
Attacked from two sides! what followed was a very hard fought battle which seemed to last the whole morning.
My garrisoned units started taking pot shots at Jon's infantry with a little success. Jon decided to push and close assaulted the town and I made this difficult for him by just being lucky on the dice. Each attacked was repelled and in one attack Jon lost 5 or 6 stands against my 3.
He marched another battalion over and in the end managed to rout me and secure the table.
This took us to lunch time....
Jon manages to secure the contested town on 1C.
After a 30 min lunch break it was back to it.
Table 3B and the railway bridge.... What was lurking in here.....
With table s 1 C and D under German control Jon pressed forward onto 2C but left 2D alone. Ozy wanted to find out what was on there so sent over a recon spotter plane. I had to deploy both my battalions and then Jon moved across.
Table 2C Russian dug in troops
Jon sends in the armour into the woods
This 88mm Flak gun was lurking in the woodline, best keep away from that!
Here comes more trouble - another battalion marches on to 2C this tim on the top right. I was getting the feeling I was about to be outflanked again but....
KV2 to the rescue! I had two of these at my disposal and they frustrated Jon to hell. With an armour value of 7 and a decent AT of 5 AI 5 they were on a +2 versus most of Jon's Panzer's.
I never even expected this lot to turn up on 2C, my KV2 took out three of these before they snook off into the trees.
More Germans arrive on 2D!
Jon outflanked my entrenched position in the woods and then attacked from the front so I was pretty much in the shit. These motorcycle's were on me like a flash and the close assaults were brutally fought
Hanging in there, just! the hairy bikers approach.
Switching action and over to 3A and the Germans send in the Paratroops to try and secure the airfield!
Phil holds the river on table 2A
Jon pushes the attack onwards. Table 2D had lost the battalion holding the woods, there was just too much stuff coming in. There is still hope for the Russians though as I had another battalion with a KV2 in the woods over on the left. This was stopping Jon from taking the bridge and securing the 2 points on the table so he had to clear it!
Nicely painted Russian buildings on 3B
The town and bridge on 3B - the most peaceful table in the game!
Back on 2C and the tension was mounting. Time was ticking on and despite the immense pressure of the German attack I had managed to hold on to thable 2C. My armoured train returned from the munitions yard with fresh rockets but again I was unable to make use of them so decided to start firing open sights and what a difference that made!
Armoured train on 2C - rockets and 76mm turrets start to make some headway by killing several German tanks and infantry.
Jon had marched over the far left side on 2C and I had to stop him as he was hell bent on flank marching across to Phil's 2B table with a recon battalion. I placed a defence and dug in by the woods.
It was a very effective line and with the help of my 45mm AT guns and infantry gun I routed what was to be the only battalion that Jon lost on the day!
Back on 2D and I launched a counter attack out the woods in desperation. Frank had been trying to change my orders for six turns but could not roll a 6. This proved foolish and I soon had to retreat into the woods. The KV2 was picking off Jon's armour and in the end he decided enough was enough and couter attacked me with armoured engineers. I lost the tank in the end by rolling a bloody 1 in the close combat. My other KV2 was foolishly thrown away on 2C when I close assaulted infantry amd rolled another 1. despite the +2 I am beginning to learn that it's probably better to shoot than over run!
Frank releases his tank reserve to try and take back some ground. Mark had over committed by all accounts and had lost a lot of stuff trying to fight Phil on the river. Mark helped us by building a pontoon bridge. Phil suggested counter attacking to try and take back some points so Frank makes the charge!
Table 2D has fallen! Jon takes the last remaining point
My last chance on 2C - Germans swarm across. I just have one battalion left with the train.
Frank could not beat Mark and it was grid locked across on 2A and 2B. The paras had been routed off table by Frank on 3A so we held on to the 3 points there. It all came down to some desperate stuff on the last turn from Jon.
My armoured train had to stay on 2C otherwise the point was lost. I charged it forward only to be whacked by AT guns and bazooka's. The very last turn I rolled the train back into woods. Ozy launched a Stuka attack and once got through despite my 37mm AA driving off the other one.
Another car was lost and I just had the engine left on the track. Jon had two infantry stands in the woods withing Bazooka range. He needed a 6 to take the train out, rolled tow dice and got a 6 and a 3. The train blew up and the Germans managed to secure a technical victory with 9 points to 8.
Jon moves onto 3B on the last turn of the game
Frank's cavalry arrive on 3B
The final position on 2A - Frank's tanks are trying desperately to cross the bridge and repel Mark's unsupported attack.
Another great operation game and thanks to all for making this happen. Jon and I fought a very hard battle all day and it was an intense fight. I was pleased to have done as well as I had and a stubborn defence of the town sector on 1C made things hard for the Germans.
The armoured train was a novel addition to the game and I think it played a vital role for the Russians. Not sure exactly what had happened over on the other table side as I was glued to the action on my side but it looked like Mark was given an order to hold something but ended up on a table he should not of been on. It looked like he was up against it over on the river line.
Phil seemed happy enough sitting behind the river with his hat on all day and did a solid job in defence.
The game could of gone either way and it was not until the last few turns that the point started to come back to the Germans.
I think Frank and Ozy did a great job as C in C's. There was a lot of pressure of them both and the order changes from Ozy were well executed and dynamic. Jon was flank marching and out manoeuvring me all over the place and I felt the Germans were used to their strength in this game.
Frank did a top job using his reserves and air power to great effect.
I think it was a fair result and despite what felt like a slog fest at times was overall a very good game.
Next time it's the desert.........
Monday, 13 March 2017
Winter War Germans and Russians
I have spent the last few months painting and rebasing both Russian and German armies for the period 1941 -1945 but specifically for war in winter (October to March).
This turned out to be a bigger undertaking than first thought as AFV's changed continuously through this period (as did the artillery) so it required that each period also had the necessary vehicles for each period which significantly increased the size and scope of the project.
Essentially its ended up with some 22 boxes of 6mm stands (roughly 11 for each side) which contain troops, heavy weapons, artillery, trucks, SPG's and tanks.
Based for Spearhead (3cm square bases) and given a winter basing of my own concoction (a mix of white paint, PVA, ground granite (sparkly!) and bicarbonate of soda (body and 'clumpiness') it smooths over the talus underneath. Finishing touch is a sprinkle of green foilage to simulate a bit of vegetation poking through.
I've also worked on some 'Stalingrad' style ruins with rubble-strewn roads separating ruined buildings and including parks and open areas to allow some tactical situations to develop. In addition, I'm working on finishing a winter river but I don't know whether to 'freeze it over' or leave it flowing.
Anyway, here's the pics of some of the units. I've retained enough Russian units to also do a spring / summer campaign if required but that's for another time...
This turned out to be a bigger undertaking than first thought as AFV's changed continuously through this period (as did the artillery) so it required that each period also had the necessary vehicles for each period which significantly increased the size and scope of the project.
Essentially its ended up with some 22 boxes of 6mm stands (roughly 11 for each side) which contain troops, heavy weapons, artillery, trucks, SPG's and tanks.
Based for Spearhead (3cm square bases) and given a winter basing of my own concoction (a mix of white paint, PVA, ground granite (sparkly!) and bicarbonate of soda (body and 'clumpiness') it smooths over the talus underneath. Finishing touch is a sprinkle of green foilage to simulate a bit of vegetation poking through.
I've also worked on some 'Stalingrad' style ruins with rubble-strewn roads separating ruined buildings and including parks and open areas to allow some tactical situations to develop. In addition, I'm working on finishing a winter river but I don't know whether to 'freeze it over' or leave it flowing.
Anyway, here's the pics of some of the units. I've retained enough Russian units to also do a spring / summer campaign if required but that's for another time...
Ruins with rubble-strewn roads and open spaces |
A more aerial view of the same |
German STU's on a winter board |
The boxes of units for both sides. Some just need finishing touches to the bases |
Summer Russian tanks - bases just need drybrushing and finishing off. |
Russian troops - riflemen (left) and SMG's (right) |
Russian support weapons - HMG's, mortars etc/ |
Close up of Russian Ski-troops in white camo |
More Russian troops in Winter uniform (including brown overcoats for many) |
Russian Summer Troops (box 1) |
Russian Summer Troops (box 2) |
German Heavy Tanks (some finishing touches required). |
German medium tanks (again, some finishing touches required - essentially creating units with the same camo scheme for each unit so they can be easily distinguished 'in the field') |
German Waffen-SS troops in camo smocks |
Russian 'secret weapon' - Katyusha Mk4 (actually a missile from Warhammer 40K Epic chucked in for fun!) |
German early war medium tanks (Panzer III's mainly). |
German troops in various attempts at winter camo |
German trucks. |
German APC's - box 1 of 3 |
German troops with colour coded bases to denote unit and type |
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