So just re written the rules adaptation for the ancients version of fast play Grande armee
please read and provide input
Magnus Imperium
Command phase
Army general
The army general now can be used as a combat stand, it will
have 6 strength. If a general is used in combat he cannot issue any dice in the
next pulse.
If a general evades combat all sub commanders command values
are reduced by one. ( no one likes a coward)
Command dice
Most commanders will be poor or good only the exceptional
Generals will be great, most barbarian warchiefs will be poor with chiefs (sub
commanders) being +2 to simulate their desire to get stuck in.
Determine initiative
– the same.
Command phase –
the same
Initiative phase –
the same
Skirmish phase –
the same
Sk may attack from any edge
Sk must have a base width clearance to the
You may sk against cavalry
You get a 4+ save again sk if more than 50% are
in cover
The cavalry within 2” rule does not apply
Artillery – TBA
Control segment –
The same
Force status – The
Movement – Square infantry 10” 4+1d6
infantry 12” 6+1d6
cavalry 16” 10+1d6
chariots 14” 8+1d6
10” 4+1d6
commanders 18”
General 20”
Terrain table – the same (cavalry/chariots prohibited in
rough terrain/woods)
Movement restriction for square bases the same.
Round bases can move in any direction with no restriction except
for terrain
Interpenetration cost 3” for infantry/elephants and
6” rule – the same
Evade- All
cavalry/chariots can evade from infantry/elephants
infantry can evade from infantry
cavalry can evade from cavalry if they win a roll off with a +1 to sk
that have been evaded can continue the rest of their movement allowance even to
contact new enemy.
Combat – Square
attacking bases will square up to square defending base, if not possible
defender will square up, if that is not possible no combat will occur.
Defending unit will turn to face first enemy unit that
contacted it, that unit is the primary attacker.
Round bases have no flank
Roll to hit is the same; elephants/chariots are classed as
Square bases that win a round of combat (not forced to fall
back) do not lose any casualties that round.
Re roll bonus (+6)
against flanked unit.
Re roll penalties
(+4) – Units that are vulnerable
units attacking/attacked
attacking/attacked by pike
unit Attacking/attacked by elephants.
if outside radius of commander
Elephant rampage – Elephants that take a casualty from sk
fire or lose a round in combat will rampage 4”+1d6 in a random direction and fight
a round of combat immediately with whomever they contact. If the elephant
owning player does not wish to fight with his rampaging elephants he may kill
the elephants with spike and hammer (carried by driver) roll 1D6 on a 4+ the elephants
drop dead and are removed, 1,2,3 and they keep going.
The elephants will be under control the next pulse.
Units rolling for the 6” rule against elephants have a -1 to
their dice roll
Bases that cannot fall back due to terrain and or enemy
units stop and lose another casualty (this is in the main rules and should be
used for Napoleonic’s as well)