Tuesday 22 September 2015

Italian Wars Campaign

Italian Wars Campaign

The rules that follow are designed to be simple but representative of the strategic decisions made in this period.  Battles, sieges and diplomacy are the principle methods by which power is gained.  However, if you can argue a good case and are prepared to spend gold then anything is possible in this campaign!
All powers can use their main allies army if they are expanding their allies power as well as their own.  If they are using their allies army 1 out of every 2 territories taken is given to their ally; odd gains are always taken by their more powerful ally.
In addition the great powers have their own ambitions/target territories – see WI no.4.
The campaign starts in 1500 and finishes in 1525 or when all Italian states concede or when one great power succumbs to two successive battlefield defeats.  Whichever state has the most territory wins.
Event cards are used if no great power is involved at the start of a campaign season eg. Ottomans invade Italy, France attacks Naples, Pope dies etc.

Four Italian powers
Florence – Ally of France.  5 territories incl. Pisa, Piombino and Siena = 8 gold pieces
Venice – A power in its own right.  6 territories incl. Verona = 7 gold pieces.  An overseas Empire = 4 gold pieces.  2x fleets (+1 in combat)
Papal States – Ally of Spain/Naples.  4 territories = 4 gold pieces. 1 x Heavy Artillery.
Milan – Ally of the Empire.  6 territories = 6 gold pieces.  Controls Genoa (1x fleet).

Each state has a special characteristic;
Florence – Machiavelli; can discard an event card once if it is not in the interests of Florence.
Venice – two fleets at plus one each on a combat, and an overseas Empire that generates extra income (These are discounted if there is war with the sultan)
Milan – Leornado DaVinci; enhanced weapons and siege craft ability.  He is a +2 engineer.
Papacy – Christs vicar can pull an event card irrespective of whether a major power is in play.

France has a fleet and two heavy artillery trains.  Spain has a fleet and an Engineer.  The Emperor has a heavy artillery train.  Genoa possesses a fleet – whoever controls Genoa controls the fleet.  At the beginning of the campaign Milan controls Genoa.  Savoy is a client of France and Naples, Sicily and Sardinia are controlled by Spain.

Each year is divided into the four turns representing the seasons.  No fighting happens in winter and this turn is used to generate tax income.  In addition, no fleets will move in winter and armies must move back to their nearest friendly region and go into winter quarters or disband.

Sequence of Play
Spring turn;
Umpire checks for rebellions.
Orders for armies
Move armies and fleets
Initiate sieges
Resolve battles
Resolve sieges
Pull event card if there have been no hostile acts (umpires discretion).
The Pope may pull an event card.
Florence may have the card discarded and another pulled in its place.
Repeat above for Summer and Autumn
Winter turn
Raise taxes
Maintain fleets
Raise and disband Armies
Procure Heavy artillery and recruit engineers.

All armies and fleets can move in a season from any territory to another if it can trace a line through unopposed territories and seas.  An unopposed territory has no rebellions against you, is not occupied or contested by an enemy army,  or allied to an enemy.  Fleets must be used to move armies at sea from an unopposed port to another.

Line of supply

Fleets do not require lines of supply.   Armies that cannot trace a line of supply through unopposed territories (or through unopposed ports via unopposed seas) at the end of a season will suffer 1x D4 casualties for each unit in the army.  Armies cannot trace a line of supply at sea during the winter.

I have tried to be comprehensive but simple.  If everyone can let me know what they think and whether I need to make any further changes, or if I need to make a better explanation!


mark said...

this looks great ian.cant wait.

Russ said...

It sounds really good, I like the turn sequence. How are you going to resolve battles?

Will we actually play these using the full POWR rules or are you thinking of toning them down so as to keep things moving?

Ian said...

I have an extra post to make on battle generation, tax revenue, sieges etc. I am going to play the battles using PoW but I actually expect a modest amount of battles to be played. Diplomacy, sieges and skulduggery will resolve many of the campaigns. Battles will be expensive and so I think they will be infrequent - but I might be wrong!