Like all battle reports I'm going to start with the protagonists. On the Union side Mark was to be the C-in-C ,Frank the Right Wing and Dennis the left wing. On the confederate side Ozzy took command of the Louisiana Department of the Interior, Russ the New Orleans City Defence Force and Ian the C-in-C. Rule set was Fire & Fury : Brigade Level 2nd Edition
Order of Battle
The point were spent on a Union:Confederate Ratio of 3:2
Green Infantry stands cost 1 point, Experienced 2,Veteran 3 and Crack 4. Artillery and cavalry were slightly higher. HQ stands of division or higher cost 4 points each.
Union brigades were all strength 8/5/3
Confederate brigades were all strength 6/4/2
Confederate Forces
C-in-C Major General R.E LEE
New Orleans Defence Force
Commander: II Corps R.S Ewell
Earlys Division: Brig Gen Early
Hays Tigers. 6 stands Random
Gordons Brigade 6 stands Random
Hokes Brigade 6 stands Random
Artillery Battery 1 stand (FB4) Veteran
Smiths Brigade (Railway Garrison) 6 stands Green
Cockes Brigade (Town Garrison) 6 stands Green
9th Louisiana Heavy Artillery Battalion
4 Fortress Guns (FG) on artillery table Veteran
Louisiana Department of the Interior
Commander: I Corps J Longstreet
Robertson’s Brigade (Cavalry) 6stands Crack
Rodes Division: Brig Gen Rodes
O’Neals Brigade 6 stands Crack
Iverson Brigade 6 stands Experienced
Ramseur Brigade 6 stands Green
Daniels Brigade 6 stands Green
Artillery Battery 1 stand (FB1) Veteran
Heths Division: Brig Gen Heth
Archer Brigade 6 stands Veteran
Pettigrew Brigade 6 stands Veteran
Davis Brigade 6 stands Experienced
Brockenbrough Brigade 6 stands Green
Artillery Battery 1 stand (FB2) Veteran
Andersons Division: Brig Gen Anderson
Mahone Brigade 6 stands Veteran
Posey Brigade 6 stands Veteran
Wilcox Brigade 6 stands Veteran
Wright Brigade 6 stands Experienced
Artillery Battery 1 stand (FB6) Veteran
C-in-C. Major General Meade
Army Assests
USA Cavalry Division:Brig Gen J Buford
Devin Brigade 6 stands Experienced
Gamble Brigade 6 stands Experienced
Horse Artillery Battery 1 stand (HA1) Veteran
Army Reserve Artillery Brigade (Four Guns)
W 1 stand Veteran
X 1 stand Veteran
Y 1 stand Veteran
Z 1 stand Veteran
7th(Coloured) Infantry Brigade (Pioneers)
6 stands Random
Bridge Sections 4 wagons
I Corps
Wadsworth Division: Brig Gen Wadsworth
Meredith (Iron)Brigade 8 stands Crack
Cutler Brigade 8 stands Veteran
Doubleday Division: Brig Gen Doubleday
Rowley Brigade 8 stands Veteran
Stone Brigade 8 stands Experienced
Stannard Brigade 8 stands Green
Robinson Division: Brig Gen Robinson
Paul Brigade 8 stands Experienced
Baxter Brigade 8 stands Experienced
Corps Artillery
A 1 stand Veteran
B 1 stand Veteran
III Corps
Birney Division: Brig Gen Birney
Ward Brigade 8 stands Veteran
De Trobiand Brigade 8 stands Experienced
Graham Brigade 8 stands Green
Humphreys Division: Brig Gen Humphrey
Brewster Brigade 8 stands Green
Burling Brigade 8 stands Green
Carr Brigade 8 stands Green
Corps Artillery
C 1 stand Veteran
D 1 stand Veteran
XI Corps
Barlow Division: Brig Gen Barlow
Von Gilsa Brigade 8 stands Veteran
Ames Brigade 8 stands Veteran
Steinwehr Division: Brig Gen Steinwehr
Smith Brigade 8 stands Experienced
Coster Brigade 8 stands Experienced
Corps Artillery
E 1 stand Veteran
F 1 stand Veteran
Initial Set up
The Confederates opted to place two full divisions, those of Rodes and Heth with 8 brigades around the entrenched town on table 1C.
With them Longstreet and Lee set up their HQs
This allowed the Confederate C-in-C (Ian) to converse directly with his front line commander (Ozzy) .Cockes' independent brigade (the local militia) manned the town defences. This meant that upto over half the total confederate strength was positioned on table 1C.
Andersons division was left in reserve on table 2C, with 4 brigades and the New Orleans Defence Force (3 brigades) occupied the walls of the city.
Robertsons Cavalry Brigade were on their own by the small settlement on table 1B.
Robertsons Cavalry HQ posted behind the small settlement on 2B |
Opening Gambit
As the battle commenced the Union moved their first divisions onto the tables. On the Union left III Corps marched onto 1D. Humphrey's Division consisting of the three Green brigades of Brewster, Burling and Carr began to organise on its flank facing table 1C, but made no aggressive move toward the Confederate positions on 1C whilst Birney's division of Ward, de Trobiand and Graham marched toward the underfunding table 2D.
No Union forces hit table 1C.
On the Union centre right, two divisions entered the table 1B and due to the presence of Robertsons CSA cavalry had to deploy. On the left of the this position advanced Smith and Costers brigades of Steinwehrs Division /XI Corps.
Steinwehrs Division, their mission to protect Franks left flank on table 1B |
These two brigades also began to form a defensive position facing the Confederate positions on 1C. On the right the formidable 1st Division (Wadsworth)/I Corps consisting of Merediths Black Hats and Cutlers brigade moved toward the left flank of Robertons Cavalry.
Merediths Black Hats (Iron Brigade) and Cutlers brigade along with their Corps artillery batteries enter table 1B |
On the Union right flank, the two remaining division of I Corps, (Doubleday and Robinson) with four brigades, the Army Reserve artillery and Pioneers marched uncontested onto table 1A. This surprised the Union C-in-C as he had expected the Confederates to contest the gaps in the ridge lines.
The Confederate first turn was short. Russ used his divisional commander to detonate preplanned explosives on the small bridge on table 1B.
The Confederates won the initiative and Robertsons Cavalry deployed and attempted to swing around the rear of Steinwehrs division. On table 1C frantic activity broke out amongst the Confederate brigades as the two divisions of Rodes and Heth began to move toward table 1B and Franks small flank guard. Meanwhile Flank managed to get Steinwehrs Division into some semblance of order to meet the Confederate threat
Steinwehrs Division forms awaiting the Confederate tidal wave. |
and Devin's Cavalry brigade of Buford's Division accompanied by their commander entered 1B to attack Robertson's cavalry and cover Steinwehrs rear.
The Confederates attempted to turn Robertsons cavalry away from the Federal cavalry threat but the Federals won the initiative and struck Robertsons outnumbered troopers in the rear.
In a display of fraught combat (i.e awful dice rolling by Frank) a Desperate Struggle ensued and with the odds evened Robertons Crack horsemen got the better of Devins men and pushed them back.
The Confederate cavalry then won the initiative , rallied and charged Devins milling cavalrymen. Despite being outnumbered , the rebels broke the Union troopers who fled from the table.
On the other side of the woods Steinwehrs two brigades of Coster and Smith were about to begin their own desperate struggle as the first of the Confederate brigades (Ramseur and Daniels) entered the fray.
Lee, Longstreet and Rodes ride close to the bullets as they follow their leading brigades charging into the open flank of Brigadier General Coster's outnumbered men. In the distance O'Neal and Iverson arrive to threaten Smiths isolated brigade. |
Coster was hit hard and then as the Confederates won the initiative he was flanked and pushed back into the woods. Smith attempted to hold but was then hit by the arriving brigades of O'Neal and Iverson. Smiths brigade also fell back amongst the trees as the Confederate brigades pushed forward.
Confederate brigades push into the woods on the Union left. |
Desperate messages were passing between the Union C-in-C and both his flank commanders as Dennis's III Corps advance stalled on table 2D at the end of their order and Frank requested reinforcements to stop the Confederate attack onto 1B.
Whilst Steinwehrs men fought and died amongst the woods behind them the Union Ist Division /I Corps had created a new defence line with its left on the small buildings and holding place on its right the Iron Brigade (Ian was later to ask me not to paint anymore of those chaps).
The Iron Brigade (Crack)(nearest the camera) and Cutler (Veteran) use the time forged by Steinwehrs desperate defence to form a new line |
To their left and a little further back the combined artillery of I and IX corps formed a grand battery and to their left Barlow's division of XI Corps entered the table
Barlows all veteran division rush to form up on Cutlers left. A defensive line began to form but would it hold against the jubilant Confederates battering the thin line of Steinwehrs forward division. |
and formed up its two Veteran brigades on the Union left. Table 1B had now become the stage for a fierce battle that would last the rest of the day as the four brigades of Heths division entered the table behind Rodes, and began to support Rodes brigades attempts to shift Coster and Smith, whose men were grimly giving ground at the cost of mounting casualties. Eight Confederate brigades now faced two desperate Union brigades but a Union defensive line had been established made up of four of the best brigades in the Union Order of Battle.
However the Union C-in-C (Mark) had finally released Dennis troops on table 1D and three Brigades plus artillery support moved onto table 1C with orders to take the town, still occupied by Cockes Independent brigade (under Russ's direction) and advance into the Confederate rear on table 1B.
Cocke's Militia prepare to defend the town. |
The new threat to the Confederate plan as Humphreys division is released onto table 1C. |
On table 2A I Corps were now building a bridge across the river and were threatening to advance upon the city.
Would Cocke delay Humphreys division? Would Steinwehr hold? Would the City defences? Could the Union rescue the situation on table 1B? See Part 2.