Jon has come back with the following response to our initial discussion;
Hi Ian
I can use the same website design package that I use for A Brush too Far. It has an online shop with a cart and will cater for PayPal and card payments and will calculate and add on postage. It also has a function allowing PDFs to be purchased and downloaded. It will need a catchy name, decent photographs and a frequent news letter. I recently had an email telling me that TSS has been sold and the website has been relaunched under new ownership
It looks like we could be up and running very quickly!
I have asked Jon if a blog would do the job of a newsletter.
Mark needs to decide what hill sizes/packs we can initially produce and sell - the fewest and easiest just to get things kicked off - and can Russ produce the pictures?
We need a name for the business. My offering is Taylor and Shakespeare Scenery (TSS) - not because I'm making a takeover bid but purely for search engine optimisation - we need a business name that people are actually googling; if you can think of another name that could work better like polystyrene war-games terrain then I would go with that. Does anyone have any experience at looking at google analytics?
I can produce the pictures you need, not a problem. Taylor & Shakespeare Scenery works fine but just to throw my own ideas into the pot I can think of:
Cheshire Scenic Supplies
Kinnerton Keep Wargame Supplies
Sorry can't help with google analytics though
Hills are us
Hills and things
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