Monday 31 December 2018

Thinking Out Loud Review

Image result for list

Mark's list has prompted me to look ahead at future projects and plans.  Back in March I posted my ideas for where I wanted to go and hoped that it would be a good reference point before I span off in some other direction.  The idea was that it didn't confine me to the tyranny of a schedule from which there could be no deviation but rather it would be a list that emphasised where the easiest routes would be for creating new battles/periods whilst allowing as much variety as possible - I didn't just want a rigid list of tick boxes.

There were 5 lists with the headings;

  1. Completed Armies/Periods
  2. Armies/Battles/Campaigns where I have the figures/terrain but they need painting
  3. Existing Armies/Periods that can easily be expanded into new Armies/Periods
  4. New Periods that only require new terrain
  5. New Periods that can use the desert terrain
The subjects within these lists were substantial (I didn't want to limit myself) but realistic.  As you can guess, I have hardly completed any of them for all the usual reasons but what I am pleased with is that they are all still relevant and I still want to do them.  Rather than being put off by my lack of progress I am still happy with what I did get done and looking forward to when I get a chance to tackle the remaining subjects.

The lists are still a good idea and give me structure for where I want to go with painting and terrain.

So, what did I achieve?

I got the 18th Century Naval kicked off - and I will build on that during 2019.
I got the mountain terrain kicked off - allowing me to put on the Monte Cassino game - more to come with Iran-Iraq War Thursday night games and an Operational East Africa game.
Iran-Iraq War has been started - I will try and get some photos blogged soon and I will be putting on a Thursday night game in January.
I have my first Franco-Prussian battle scenario organised and ready - I want to do a dry run with Mark asap so that I can test it's suitability as a Thursday night game on his hex terrain.
Mark and Russ helped me try out an 18th century set of siege rules which worked well - I need to blog this and get some saps/trenches built - and then we will have another Thursday night game and the basis of an 18th century operational game.

Is there anything I want to add to the list?

Oh yes!  The recent meeting with Mark and Russ and subsequent emails with Jon have convinced me that we have a very simple business plan that can very easily be implemented.  Fortune does not beckon but if we keep a very simple focused approach to its running it should open new opportunities to improve our wargaming and enhance our enjoyment of the hobby - which is what it's all about really!


mark said...

Very consise

Russ said...

You managed to complete a lot of stuff. A lot of what I had wanted to complete is still on the bench but I did make a good start on my Modern Soviets. I'll be doing a post on this soon with an update.