Our first game of the year! |
I thought it would be a great idea if we reviewed our activities through the blog for last year. It gives us a chance to reflect on the games we have played and remember all the highlights of the many games we get to put on, as well as remind ourselves what a great resource we have built for ourselves in the blog.
Operation Harpoon - definitely a highlight for me in 2018. |
In January and February we played a lot of naval games beginning with some classic WW1 actions. We got to grips with meshing the VaS aircraft rules with the GQ ship stats, which enabled us to play carrier strikes in the Pacific as well as the surprisingly well balanced Mers El Kebir battle and the outstanding Operation Harpoon.
Dug in British artillery with armoured support awaits the Axis onslaught. |
In March our first operational game of 2018 was in the desert. This pushed the operational concept again with our first encounter battle. Both sides took turns to choose the tables and create a battlefield of their choosing. A swirling battle of manoeuvre ensued around an isolated British infantry brigade box in which both sides inflicted casualties but the Allies were able to secure a dogged and attritional victory.

In April we revisited WW1 with a series of battles fought over Jon's superb terrain. Each one fought from different directions really tested our abilities to get the most from this tactically challenging period.
Mark's hex terrain allowed a very realistic representation of the Somme battlefield - it convinced me that we should use this terrain for more historical battlefields. |
We finished off the WW1 foray with a refight of the first day of the Somme. A surprisingly well balanced scenario had both sides ready to throw in the towel or gloat at seeming victory on several occasions - certainly another battle to revisit again one day.
Probably one of the best presented Thursday night games. On a great table you get the sense of a weekend game on a club night! |
In May, Jon provided some ACW action, again, utilising the Bull Run Boards. The Fire and Fury rules are always popular and the different scenarios all played well.
A dramatic view of Flodden Hill in June. |
I especially appreciated Russ' post on his visit to the Flodden battlefield - and I would really like to visit this one day. I love battlefield walks as you get such a profound understanding of the actual events. As well as our games it's great to get relevant posts of what we all get up to.
Frank's French move into position against Russ' Soviet hordes. |
The theme for June was 1980s Cold War as we tackled the various weapons and doctrines of a 1980's European war. Russ, Mark, Frank and Jon were all quick to put together relevant armies. A steep learning curve awaited us as we realised this was a period that required some thorough research.
The rules allow some fast but realistic battles. |
At the end of June I managed to finish the first of my 18th century ships. This will provide options for one off Thursday night games as well as further developing amphibious operational games.
That's my snapshot of the first 6 months - the second part to follow (when I get a chance!)
Nostalgic stuff Ian, and a great recap on 2018. glad you enjoyed my post on Flodden, we went away just to relax for the week but when I knew we were only 4 miles away from the battlefield I just had to go and visit.
Jon's ACW terrain boards are still the benchmark in terrain for me and we made very good use of these in various battles.
For me I think i would pick the Somme battle my favourite of the Year, Frank and Mark really stuck it to us and Phil and I managed to grab a draw after three weeks intense fighting. A real gem of a game for me that one and played in good spirits by everyone.
I think we have managed to grasp the GC Naval rules to a level we can use these operationally so would look forward to mixing these with rules with spearhead.
The moderns are moving along nicely and I am looking forward to getting into my new fistful of TOWS rules in Q1.
For me personally 2018 was a bit of a let down as I did not feel I did that much on the war games front. My painting went out the window firstly because of work commitments and then later on my elbow problem which is now on the mend.
I am already looking forward to getting some 6mm French Napoleonic's ready for the end of this Month for Age Of Eagles plus I want to paint up and finish more of my Modern Soviets for Fistful of TOWS 3.
I am also looking forward to contributing to the scenery boards too.
Looking forward to another great year already!
Good stuff
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